elections can give a mandate to the president through the public’s vote. what is a mandate?


UPDATE: Keep in mind as you think almost the warm and fuzzy parts of the Palin speech that the good governor slashed funding for transitional housing for teenage mothers and, co-ordinate to Mudflats, cut budgets for special needs children by 62 percent. More about this in the next few days.

UPDATE # 2: A couple of commentator take mentioned it, only in case you lot oasis't seen it, the Fallows slice in Atlantic online is worth reading. It's, if anything, well-nigh overly even-handed (meaning it requite Palin more of the do good of the doubt that I retrieve is appropriate), but 1 of today'due south improve sane and savvy takes.


Just first, the warm-upward players


Huckabee'southward a class act. (As opposed to Manus Romney who frothed at the mouth with right wing fervor and really chosen the Roberts Court too liberal.)

Don't agree with him (plainly), but it's a good speech.

half dozen:13: Where I grew up people had three sacred heroes Jesus, Elvis and FDR—and not necessarily in that order.

6:20: She got more than votes running for mayor of Wasila, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for the president of the U.s..

I have no cable here so I take but those sane people at PBS. No CNN and MSBC people to ridicule. Bummer.

6:42: LINDA LINGLE is on.

"Sarah Palin will not try to reinvent herself during this campaign." (Oh, really? Then why has she continued to rewrite her personal/political history on: the Bridge to Nowhere, earmarks and a list of other bug. Just curious.)

vi:46: By the way, am I the only person who doesn't think that giving a keynote and then flying home six-hours from Texas later on your h2o breaks is non "tough," but reckless—especially when you have a loftier gamble pregnancy and your baby has come early? Perhaps she had an examination in Texas and the doctor told her it was all okay. I promise so. But so far that'south not what we've heard.

I worked up until the afternoon I delivered my kid, and went dorsum to piece of work. A lot of women do. Only I would non have gotten on a plane later my h2o broke unless a doctor told me the loss of amniotic fluid would not harm my baby.

6:52: What'south upward with the hats at this convention? And what'south up with the chanting? (Us! US!. Nothing! Zilch!)

6:53: Note to Hawaii Governor chick, Linda Lingle: How much executive experience does John McCain have? Zero! Zero! Zero!

half-dozen:56: His determination to choose Sarah Palin tells us a lot well-nigh John McCain. (Yous got that right, infant.)

6:57: "Washington is cleaved!" (Uh, yeah. So all this gets fixed because long-time Washington senator chooses Sarah Palin?)

"This choice is bold historic and mettlesome." (Read: reckless. Actually, "reckless" is a word that comes repeatedly to mind tonight.)

7:01: RUDY…. Different the Dem'south keynote, at least Giuliani seems to know that the keynote is not supposed to be virtually him—and so far that is.

7:02: The left wing media and Hollywood celebrities don't get to decide who will exist elected president.

(Whew! Glad nosotros cleared that up.)

seven:04: Is there ANYTHING else to say nearly John McCain that does not talk about the fact that he was a POW?

7:06: Oh, aye, he was "a proud foot soldier in the Reagan revolution." (Except that Nancy Reagan hates him.)

7:09: He'due south the least feel candidate for president in at least the last hundred years. (Will somebody who isn't on dial-up please refute that?)

7:11: This is no time for on the job training. (Uh, aye. Sa-rah! Sa-rah! Sa-rah!)

7 :12 : There is "good change and bad alter." ("Drill, baby, drill," they chant. Okay, that'south just scary. The madness of crowds.)

7:fifteen Rudy Giuliani just said that the democrats will increase terrorists. Aside from the bad grammar, what the hell is that man talking most?

7:17: "I believe when they gave upwardly on Iraq, they had given up on America." (Oh, the mendacity! This is giving me a headache.)

7:xviii: Obama was against wire tapping before he was for it. (Like McCain was against torture before he was for it?)

vii:xx: The craven bid for the Jewish vote is quack and loathsome.

7:22: blah, blah, blah Palin….more executive experience than the entire Democratic ticket combined.

7:23: I'grand sorry that Barack Obama does non experience that here hometown is cosmopolitan plenty. (Main repub talking point tonight: Obama! Eltist, Elitist, Elitst. Facts not invited!)

7:32: SARAH'Due south ON!

(Style NOTE) The hair's office up and part downwardly. I remember the color of her blazer could be more dynamic.

She's charismatic. I'll say that for her.

7:34: Our nominee is a true profile in backbone……who refused to break faith with our troops in Eye-rack. (Why has no i told this woman how to pronounce the proper name of the country?)

seven:37: To the families of special needs children….I promise you that if I'1000 elected, you'll have an abet in the White House. (That was nice.)

vii:38: Todd's an Eskimo (or office anyway). Cool.

7:forty: Talking about working people, whom the Republicans generally abandon. But, hey, information technology's all good.

seven:41: Average hockey mom. The difference between a hockey mom and a pit bull: lipstick. (Good line.)

7:42: Somebody has given her excellent communication with this speech communication. She'due south defending her mayoral past. "It's kind of like being a community organizer except that you accept bodily responsibilities"

7:43 Bitterly clinging to religion and guns…yadda, yadda. San Francisco. (Did she mention lattes? Or was that just an implication.)

7:44: Well, I'thousand not a fellow member of the permanent political establishment….. (No, John McCain is.)

….so some of the media consider me unqualified. (No. Actually, it's mostly considering you're unqualified.)

NEW REPUB TALKING POINT: nonstop media bashing. Why? Because they tin't make the example, and they can't combat the ongoing drip-baste-drip coming out well-nigh Palin. So they're going to try to murder the messenger.

7:47: When I stood up besides……Sudden and relentless reform never sits well with the power brokers. (Republicans know this from feel as ability brokers?)

7:78: Did she really sell a governor'due south jet on eBay? Okay, that's a good one. Ditto, getting rid of the private chef.

vii:49: I told the Congress thank you but no thanks on that bridge to nowhere. (Which is a total lie!)

vii:50: Gas pipeline practiced. Polar bears bad.

7:52: (Ah, hah. I see how they're going to combat her lack of cognition almost world issues. Skillful speech writers then using oil and gas as a way in—every bit she sounds very knowledgeable on that subject. Smart strategy.)

7:57: Al Qaeda terrorists are withal plotting our destruction and he wants to read them their rights. (Groan. How is this disingenuous, mendacious and stupid? Permit united states of america count the means….)

Palin's speech is smart—-and feels no responsibility to accuracy. But it's skilled in terms of writing, and skillfully and compellingly delivered.

Palin is a smart adult female, and a smart and likeable politico. I should, under no circumstances, underestimate her.


Source: https://witnessla.com/sarah-palin-night-at-the-republican-convention/

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