Begin Again Lost Stars Asks Her to Come to His Concert

Adam Levine, the frontman for Maroon 5 and a judge on The Vocalism, is i of the biggest pop stars in the globe. He has won all the biggest music awards, played the earth'south biggest arenas and scored multiple platinum and gilded records. Simply he'south about to exercise something that he's never washed before, and that has him extremely excited: perform at the University Awards.



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On Feb. 22, Levine will sing Gregg Alexander and Danielle Brisebois' Best Original Song Oscar nominee "Lost Stars," which was featured in John Carney's music-centric drama Begin Again, in which Levine starred and sang it.

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"Information technology's such rarified air that we're gonna be in," Levine told The Hollywood Reporter on Friday, "every bit far as beingness a musician at that particular show. I've always been a huge fan of the Oscars and the way they put it all together. It's the godfather of all awards shows. It's but so far removed from what I do." He added with a laugh, "Performing at the Oscars might be even ameliorate than being nominated!" (The person/people who perform a song in a picture show are not nominated unless they likewise wrote its music or lyrics.)

An invitation from the Academy to sing on the stage of the Dolby in forepart of the biggest stars in the globe and a television audience of hundreds of millions of people would be special under any circumstances, simply Levine noted that this one has detail meaning for him: "It happened to me for a song that I sang in a movie that I was in, which makes it that much more special. That's rarely the case. Unremarkably at that place'due south some sort of separation. It feels more legitimate and pure and involved in beingness there."

Speaking of his more all-encompassing involvement in Begin Once more – which happened to be my favorite motion picture of 2014 – he nevertheless can't quite believe he was offered the opportunity. "It took a huge bound of faith on John Carney'south part considering I had never acted earlier. He reached out to me and asked me, pretty randomly, if I was interested in interim. I actually said to him [that I was] not, until he called." Levine said he chop-chop concluded, "If I only brand one picture show in my whole life, it seems like this one makes the almost sense. I don't know where it will get from hither, but that was my part. I really, truly believe that, and I'm really happy it came my way."

I of the things that well-nigh appealed to him about the picture was that he could personally relate to the character that he was asked to play: a guy who rockets to super-stardom and doesn't handle everything perfectly. "This guy was going through a lot of what I had been through," Levine admitted. "When I saw it on paper, I just knew it was partially who I am and likewise part of what I think a lot of people go through when they feel whatever kind of success for the kickoff time in music. Ordinarily they're insecure, and insecurity and big amounts of success don't mix very well."

But fifty-fifty more than important to him was the opportunity to sing songs co-written by Alexander. He gushed, "I've known Gregg Alexander forever, as far as post-obit his career, and he'due south bright. I knew he could do amazing things." He continued, "I remember when I beginning heard the New Radicals anthology [the band released merely ane, in 1999]. Information technology almost existed in a bubble."

All of Alexander's songs, he said, take a rare quality: "They never sound 'decade-appropriate.' They always just sound timeless. To me, you can't tell if that New Radicals record is from the '80s or '90s or even the belatedly-'70s or 2000s. His talent and his writing style is only incredibly timeless." He added, "People don't even actually realize how many songs he'southward written. He'south actually been a huge influence on so many songwriters and and so many artists that have hits correct at present. Even our [Maroon 5's] song that we take out right now ["My Middle Is Open"] sounds like Gregg Alexander. He's underrated, in my opinion – until now."

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When Levine was finally able to check out the songs that Alexander and his writing partner of many years, Danielle Brisebois, had prepared for him to sing in the film (which was so chosen Can a Song Relieve Your Life?), he immediately knew that his organized religion had not been misplaced. "Sure enough, from the 2d I heard the music, I thought, 'OK, yeah, this is exactly what I was expecting: brilliant, awesome, amazing music.' It was so great. The infinitesimal I heard these songs, I could imagine myself singing them. And it seemed like no i else, in a weird way, was quite as equipped to do this as I was."

The gem of the lot was "Lost Stars," a metaphor-packed tune about people trying to detect their way, which was to be sung by Levine and his co-star, Keira Knightley, at various pivotal points in the pic. (This was the song that was requested to be the song that could salve your life, Alexander has said.) "It was painfully obvious that the song shouldn't be touched, Levine said. "It was perfect. It was beautiful. And so I only thanked him [Gregg] – like, 'Corking, perfect, awesome. Permit'south do information technology.' It was instantaneous. I got into it actually quickly and easily considering that's how he writes."

On fix, Knightley felt more than confident in her acting than her singing, while Levine felt the opposite. "I kind of recall the unabridged experience being Keira complaining about her singing and existence petrified of the whole thing and me complaining about my acting and being petrified about the whole affair," he said, chuckling. "So nosotros were kind of giving each other Tony Robbins-esque motivational speeches." In the end, Knightley proved more than capable of singing well, and Levine turned in a fine performance, every bit well.

Levine also helped to keep "Lost Stars" from fading out of the public eye after it was excluded from the Golden World nomination on Dec. 11. On Dec. 15, he and a contestant on The Voice, Matt McAndrew, performed it as a duet on The Vox. It rapidly rocketed onto the tiptop 100 most played songs lists of Billboard and iTunes, leading to increased interest in the song equally Oscar-nomination voting began on December. 29. The vocal was, of class, amidst the five nominees announced on Jan. xv and is now in a hotly contested race without a articulate frontrunner.

Whether or not "Lost Stars" wins an Oscar on Feb. 22, Levine will get his plough up on the Oscar stage. "At this point in my life, in that location are and so many reasons for me to keep pinching myself that I'm starting to get worried," he said, citing this special gig as a major 1. "I wish I had written the song," he added with a laugh, "simply I get to do the next best thing, which is perform information technology!"


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